Breast Feeding - English
Breastfeeding Your breasts won’t feel any different in the first days after delivery. This is normal and it is because your infant’s stomach is very small, about the size of a cherry. Your breasts have the perfect amount of colostrum for your infant. After a few days you will be able to feel your breasts filling and hear more frequent swallowing when your baby feeds. Your breasts will feel full before a feed and should feel softer after. This lets you know that the milk has trans- ferred to your infant.
Your infant will feed frequently at first, at least 8-12 times in 24 hours is normal. This frequent removal of milk sends a message to your body to make more milk and to increase your supply. Any time your infant is awake, offer him/ her the breast. The length of time your infant takes to eat will vary depending on how hungry he/she is. Your infant will feed more fre- quently at night in the beginning, especially the second night whenhe/she ismuchmoreawake. Sleeping when your baby sleeps will give you the rest you need to cope with the night feeds.
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