Emergency Preparedness

Kern Medical Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) does not necessarily constitute a request for resources or other assistance.

2.4.5 Coordination with Hospital Board of Governor’s (HBG) The Kern Medical Administrator-on-Call will notify the HBG of the hospital in the event of any emergency that requires hospital evacuation, 911 response of emergency medical or law enforcement personnel, or the opening of the hospital EOC . 2.4.6 Acquiring Resources Kern Medical has procedures for augmenting supplies, equipment and personnel from a variety of sources. Assistance may be coordinated through the following channels: • Prior agreements with vendors for emergency re-supply. • EM.01.01.01(8) Assets, stockpiles of medical supplies and pharmaceuticals anticipated to be required in an emergency response (i.e. Strategic National Stockpile, SNS.) All items are inventoried and documented • Emergency Support Function 8 Committee (ESF8C) assistance to hospitals in coordination with the Kern Medical Emergency Medical Supply Cache as outlined in the Kern County Supply Allocation Matrix . See Appendix L.4- Kern County Supply Allocation Matrix . • From other hospitals, hospitals or health care providers. 2.5 Roles / Responsibilities – Disaster Recall list (HR) EM.02.01.01(1)/EM02.01.01(2) 2.5.1 The Kern Medical Chief Executive Officer (CEO) The Hospital CEO is responsible, directly or through delegation, for the development of the EOP and for directing the response to emergencies. Specific responsibilities include: a. Execute (oversee) the development and implementation of the incident plan. b. Appoint an Emergency Preparedness Coordinator (EPC) to coordinate the development and maintenance of Kern Medical’s Emergency Operations Plan; ensure the organizations emergency preparedness program meets all applicable standards or government regulations; and, provide for ongoing training for hospital staff. See Appendix A – TJC and CMS regulations. The EMC will chair a committee that should include the safety manager, facility manager(s) and senior representatives from administration and health care staff. c. Assign staff emergency management duties and responsibilities. Appoint the Emergency Management Committee (EMC). See Appendix F.1 – Day-To-Day Org Chart / EMG Assignment based on Job Action Sheets and AppendixF.2 – Emergency Management Organization Chart.

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