Emergency Preparedness
Kern Medical Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) Kern Medical will take the following steps, as feasible and appropriate, to prepare for an event that makes the primary hospital facility unusable. Kern Medical will : • Identify a back-up facility for continuation of hospital and /or health services, if possible. See Appendix L.1 – Health Care Alternate and Referral Facility Locations for location of back-up facility. • Establish agreements with nearby health facilities to accept referrals of Kern Medical patients or residents. • Establish agreements with nearby health facilities to allow medical staff to see patients at these alternate facilities. • Identify a back-up site for continuation of Kern Medical business functions and emergency management activities. See Appendix L.1 for location. •Maintain contact list of utility emergency numbers. See Appendix J.4 Incident Call List. • Ensure availability of phone and phone line that do not rely on functioning electricity service • Request priority status for maintenance and restoration of telephone service from local telephone service provider. Kern Medical has Three (3) emergency generators at the hospital to ensure its ability to continue operations in the event of an emergency that creates power outages. Kern Medical will obtain assistance from local utilities or vendors. Specific steps are carried out to ensure reliability for use in incidents including: • Inventory essential equipment and systems that will need continuous power. • Determine the maximum length of time Kern Medical will operate on emergency power (i.e., is emergency power primarily for short term outages or for extended operations) • Determine power output needs. • Determine location of nearest supplies of selected fuels that can be accessed in an emergency. • Perform recommended periodic maintenance. • Run monthly generator start-up tests. Two (2) 2000 gal tanks will be located and ready for emergency non potable water near the central plant. Arrangements for non-potable replacement water have been made with the Kern County Fire Department and will be coordinated through the HICS Logistics Section. There is a KCFD station within 1 mile of the hospital and is out of the flood zone. Water needed for consumption and essential care activities have been calculated based on need and is stored on premises at the hospital. During emergencies the hospital will implement a conservation policy. Water needed for dialysis equipment, dish washing, instrument washing, hand washing and for other equipment and sanitary purposes, has been calculated based on need for an extended period of 96 hours and is stored on premises at the hospital. During emergencies the hospital will implement a conservation policy. fuel required for operation of the emergency generators and other fuels required for operations of vehicles have been calculated and are Restoration of utilities
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