Emergency Preparedness

Appendix H.3 – CHEMICAL

Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness

1. Secure the area - Make sure that no patients, visitors or unprotected employees enter the area. 2. Get the SAGE Chemotherapeutic Spill Kit from the Spill Cart. This kit contains all necessary supplies to clean the spill. 3. Remove the contents of the kit. Display Sign near the spill area. 4. Put on Chemo Plus Gown, shoe covers, respirator mask, safety glasses and both pairs of gloves (blue gloves first). Important – follow the instructions for respirator mask fit and make sure you have a snug fit. 5. Lay Chemosorb pads over Spill. The pads will absorb the liquid and transform it to aw gel to assist in disposal. Caution: Chem Sorb gel is extremely slippery when wet. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Do not inhale. 6. Detach scoop from scraper and use both to pick up the chemosorb gel. Place contaminated gel in the blue bag. If there is any broken glass, use the scoop to place it in a ChemoSafety Sharps Container. 7. Use spill towels, detergent and water to pick up any remaining gel. Place towels in the blue bag. 8. Remove respirator mask, safety glasses, shoe coverings, ChemoPlus Gown and the outer pair of gloves. Discard into the blue bag. 9. Wearing only the inner gloves close the bag and place it in the Chemo Waste bag. Remove inner gloves and place in the Chemo Waste bag. Close bag with tie wrap. 10.Dispose of the Chemo Waste bag in a chemotherapy waste container. Solvent Spill Clean Up 1. Secure the area - Make sure that no patients, visitors or unprotected employees enter the area. 2. Get the Baker Solvent SAF-T-SPILL kit found on the Hazardous materials spill cart. This kit contains all necessary supplies to clean the spill. 3. Open remove and lay out contents. 4. Put on supplied safety glasses and gloves. 5. Circle the spill with SOLUSORB Acid Neutralizer. Fill in the circle to cover the entire spill. Thoroughly mix the adsorbent and solvent until forming a dry, granular material. 6. Scoop up the mixture and transfer to the waste bag. 7. Use the sponge provided to wipe up the area. Dispose of the sponge in the waste bag. 8. Put waste bags in a container in the waste chemical storage area for chemical waste disposal. The effectiveness of these equipment and materials are periodically tested and

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