Emergency Preparedness
Kern Medical Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) biological, mass casualty) Or, upon receipt of an alert from the ESF8C or other credible sources the Kern Medical Emergency Management Coordinator will notify key managers, order the updating of phone lists, and the inspection of protective equipment and supply and pharmaceutical caches. See Section for procedures for determining if the hospital remains open, closes, or re-opens. This plan may be implemented in response to events occurring within the hospital or external to the organization. Any employee or staff member who observes an incident or condition which could result in an emergency condition should report it immediately to his/her supervisor. Fires, serious injuries, threats of violence and other serious emergencies should be reported to fire or police by calling 9-1-1. All staff should initiate emergency response actions consistent with the emergency response procedures outlined in Appendix H.1 - Emergency Procedures, Emergency Response Procedures (Emergency Codes in color coded format). If the emergency significantly impacts patient care capacity or the community served by the hospital, the Chief Executive Officer or Incident Commander will notify the ESF8C . This plan may also be activated/ terminated by the Chief Executive Officer/Incident Commander, or designee, at the request of the ESF8C . 3.4.1 Authority for Activation of Kern Medical’s EOP, The EOP can be activated through the request of responsible personnel within Kern Medical which would include the Hospital’s Administrative staff, Hospital Shift Manager, Safety Officer, Facilities Manager, Security Officer, or senior medical staff in the Emergency Department. The person requesting to activate the EOP is to dial “5#” for the Kern Medical switchboard and say: • “Implement Level 1 Response the Hospital’s Incident Command System. This is due to (brief explanation of the incident). Please notify the CEO or his designee immediately.” • The Administrator on call will be notified EOP has been activated and will review the event and make the determination whether the activation is appropriate and if the response should remain at Level 1 or be elevated to Level 2 . • Level 1 Response = HICS at a minimum level to oversee the organizational response. No announcement over the PA system. • Level 2 response= HICS at a minimum level to oversee the organizational response with an announcement over the PA system to notify all associates of the Code Triage • Upon authorization of the Hospital Incident Commander or his/her designee, the Switchboard Operator will announce over the PA system: “Your attention please: Code Triage.” Activate a house wide HICS response. 3.4.2 HICS Activation Level 1: Silent activation The appointed Incident Commander and administrative staff to
3.4 Response Activation and Initial Actions
assemble in the command center (room 2126) to assess the situation. a. The Appointed Incident Commander and administrative staff will oversee a department specific response, and b. Activate additional HICS command positions as needed, or c. Call for Level 2 activation if warranted
Level 2: Announced activation (Hospital-wide notification)
Upon authorization of the Hospital Incident Commander or his/her
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