Emergency Preparedness

Appendix H.14 – HOSTAGE

Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness


If, during the operational phase of a “Code Silver - Location” a medical emergency (Code Blue) should occur in the area affected by the Code Silver, or in an area immediately adjacent to the Code Silver location, the Code Blue response team shall not place themselves in danger. The determination to delay the Code Blue response shall be at the discretion of the HIC Incident Commander or the Administrator on duty.


• Kern Medical Staff  Will receive education and demonstrate competency related to the qualifications necessary to participate in a Code Gray at Kern Medical upon orientation, periodically as defined by the organization and upon policy change. • Patient/Family/Significant Other  Will receive instructions at time of occurrence as necessary for their safety. DOCUMENTATION: • An online Occurrence Report will be completed as outlined in policy ADM- RI-505. • Security personnel will document the incident and their involvement in a department Incident Report. • After Action Report (AAR) will be completed by the Safety Officer or his Designee

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