Emergency Preparedness


Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness

WATER SUPPLY (Complete Loss) In the event the water supply of Kern Medical should be interrupted or seriously reduced, the Incident Commander (CEO or Administrator on Call) may declare an internal emergency. The following actions shall then be instituted: All departments shall be immediately notified of the emergency and requested to follow procedures for conservation of water. A determination shall be made by the Kern Medical Facility Manager of the amount of water available in storage facilities. A determination shall be made as to the cause of the interruption and action shall be taken by the Maintenance Department to restore water supply. A determination shall be made to activate the Nutrition Services Policy for obtaining potable water via alternate sources. The following actions shall be taken in the order shown in accordance with the severity of the water system loss, available stored water and anticipated length of water system loss.  Reductions of boiler pressure to 50 psi.  Shut down of all exterior watering (lawns, etc.)  Shut down of laundry  Shut down of hydrotherapy

 Shut down of air conditioning water chillers  Shut down of designated drinking fountains  Shut down of all washers except sonic washers  Discontinue use of steam kettles and dishwashing machines  Discontinue use of garbage disposals  Reduce use of X-ray film processors  Reduce use of all toilets, washbasin, etc.  Reduce patient bathing except where medically necessary

Discontinue elective care-Close Outpatient Department Alert all personnel to take special precautions against fire Security to be placed on moving Fire Watch.

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