Emergency Preparedness
Kern Medical Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) reasonable time frame is then established for accomplishing those actions. The action plans need not be complex, but should be sufficiently detailed to guide EOC elements in implementing the priority actions. See Appendix O.2 for Action Plan development forms and guidance. EOC Staff Assignments The organization chart, located above, displays the response management organization structure. See Appendix F.6 –F.29 EOC Job Action Sheets for position duties and responsibilities during an emergency. Positions will be filled only as needed to meet the needs of the response. Some overlap will occur to account for limited personnel resources during an emergency, however all significant decisions within the five primary functions of the Incident Command System ( ICS ) will be made or delegated by the Incident Commander. ICS positions should be assigned to the most qualified available and trained staff. Under emergency conditions, however, it may not always be possible to appoint the most appropriate staff. In that case the Incident Commander will be required to use best judgment in making position appointments and specifying the range of duties and authority those positions can exercise. Following are examples of potential position assignments of hospital staff to ICS position. See Appendix F.2–Emergency Management Organization Chart for example of how assignments can be made. • Incident Commander – Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) or a Department Director • Operations Section Chief – Chief Operation Officer, Medical Director, Nursing Director, Departmental Director • Planning / Intelligence Section Chief – COO, Departmental Director • Logistics Section Chief – Facilities manager, Purchasing manager, Human Resources manager • Finance / Administration Section Chief – Chief Financial Officer (CFO) or Finance Director, COO 3.5.5 As staff is recalled, they will replace personnel on tasks they are better qualified to perform. If questions arise, the ICS Section Chiefs will determine who will perform the task. The tasks are evaluated frequently to assure the most appropriate staff members available are being used, burnout or incident stress problems are identified, and staff members in these jobs are rotated as soon as possible. 3.5.6 The Incident Commander will determine the need to provide staff support such as housing, child care, pet care etc. 3.5.4 Room 1058 will be utilized for child care if available. The flower street café will be utilized to provide refreshments. Cots and blankets will be provide as needed Pet care will be provided in the secured area on the northwest corner of B-wing. Only licensed animals will have access to the area. All non- licensed animals will remain in their pet carriers. The owners will be instructed to provide shot records, ID tag, favorite bedding, toys and food and any prescriptions from home. Staff to manage the pet care area will be assigned by the IC. The DTC, OR and PACU will be utilized to provide the staff an area to shower. A portion of the cafeteria will be sectioned off to provide employee meals. Staff sleeping quarters will be located on the 4th floor A-wing. 3.5.7 Transportation- As need the staff may be instructed to report to designated pick up areas. Golden Empire Transit (GET) transportation will be provided and organized through OES.
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