Health for Life - Fall 2016

in pictures

Evolution the

of a Legacy



On June 13, 2016 Kern Medical cele- brated its transfer from being owned and operated by the County of Kern to becoming a freestanding Hospital Authority. The transition allows Kern Medical to be more responsive in delivering patient care. The transition was official on July 1 of this year.



Pictured clockwise from top left: A) Associated Veterans VFW Post 7216 presents the colors during the Board of Supervisors meeting in ad- vanceof thecelebration. B) KernMedical CEO Russell Judd (left) and Mick Gleason, Chair- man of Board of Supervisors, exchange the Authority transition key . C) Bakersfield Mayor Harvey Hall talks to nurses. D) Jacey Cooper (left), assistant deputy director of health care delivery systems at the California Department of Health Care Services, and Elsa Martinez, chief deputy Kern County administrative officer, attend the event. E) Kern Medical’s Kristie Heraghty distributes frozen fruit bars from La Rosa.



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