Health for Life - Summer 2017
Dr. Cassidenti consults with a patient.
lege of Obstetrics & Gynecology and was just deemed for board certifica- tion, first recognized earlier this decade. Physicians seeking the designation must present evidence of experience in pro- cedures and treatments as well as pass a stringent exam. Urogynecologists specialize in di- agnosing and treating a wide range of pelvic floor disorders such as urinary in- continence, overactive bladder, genital prolapse, and neurological dysfunction of the bladder and pelvic floor. The pelvic floor can be damaged by childbirth, repeated heavy lifting, chronic disease or surgery. In Dr. Cassidenti’s case, proving ex- perience was the easy part. He’d been treating women with pelvic floor disor- der for years in his Orange County prac- tice. The exam prep did require some extra study, he acknowledged. His interest in the subject started early as he watched his mother suffer from pelvic floor disease. “Women who gave us life suffered the rest of their lives,” he said. In becoming Kern County’s first ur-
ogynecologist, Dr. Cassidenti has made a point of introducing himself to gyne- cologists in the area and offering his expertise in handling complex cases that require specialized surgery. For years, such cases have been referred to specialists in Los Angeles, but that long drive is no longer necessary. “Kern Medical has allowed us to develop a program, really an en- hanced experiment, that combines excellent customer experience and ex- cellent medical care,” he explained. Our process is all designed to make the patient feel comfortable, even pam- pered, while undergoing complex sur- gery. Most patients are headed home the next day. Dr. Cassidenti, who is board certified and fellowship trained, sees patients by appointment at Kern Medical’s west side campus, 9300 Stockdale Highway. He also is a member of the teach- ing faculty at Kern Medical. The oppor- tunity to train the next generation of urogynecologists is all part of his goal of expanding his impact, Dr. Cassidenti explained.
” I wanted to be more impactful.”
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