
Using a Breast Pump

Electric Pump Read the instruction manual first, but you may have to experiment with different techniques and settings on the breast pump before you find the one that works best for you. You may want to moisten the rim of the breast flange with water before pumping to create a better seal on the breast. You can either center the breast flanges on the nipple and areola first and then turn the pump on, or turn the pump on first and then place the flanges over the breasts. Start the pump at the low/minimal suction setting and gradually turn up the suction so that you feel a deep, pulling sensation. Set the level as high as comfort allows; the highest level may not be needed. Pumping should not hurt. Decrease the suction if it causes discomfort. Suction cannot be maintained if the seal of the

flange on the breast is broken, so check the seal of the flange periodically. Also watch for the rhythmic pull and release of the nipple and areola in the flange. When you are finished pumping, you must break the seal between your breast tissue and the breast flange. To do so, use a clean finger and press in on your breast, just above the breast flange. If milk has pooled in the flange, tilt it so that milk can drain into the collection bottle as you remove the flange. Then turn off the breast pump (You may prefer to turn the breast pump off first, and then break the seal between the flange and the breast).

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