Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Infection Prevention = Patient Protection

YOU are the patient’s greatest defense against infection in the hospital! Everyone has a role in infection prevention.

• Perform hand hygiene often and encourage others to do this as well.

• Always use standard precautions & follow any isolation precautions in place.

Ask Questions

Help prevent infections by asking questions:

To a Doctor

• “W hy is the patient still intubated? ”

• “D oes the patient still require that femoral central line? ”

• “Did you perform hand hygiene when you left that patient’s room?”

To a Housekeeper

• “E xcuse me, could you please perform hand hygiene after you remove your yellow isolation gown?”

• “Did you achieve the correct contact time when using that disinfectant?”

To a Visitor

• “Can I help you put on the right PPE to visit this patient?”

If you have any suggestions to improve our infection prevention processes, let your supervisor know and/or contact the office of Infection Prevention.

Contact Information

Kristi Brownfield, MSN, RN, CIC

Director of Infection Prevention and Employee Health

Kristi.Brownfield@ K ern M

661-326-2811 (Main) or 661-859-6022 afterhours

Office hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Main Campus, 2nd floor (G-Wing)


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