Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Standard – Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

Abuse, neglect and exploitation can occur in any age group and crosses all socioeconomic and cultural lines.


It can be physical, psychological and/or sexual.


It is the intentional or unintentional failure to provide needed care and support. Includes physical protection, nutrition or health care, but can also include human contact and love.


It is the unauthorized use of money or goods for personal gain.

Hospital Responsibilities

The hospital must:

• Assess the patient who may be a victim of possible abuse and neglect.

• Educate staff about how to recognize signs of possible abuse, neglect and/or exploitation and your roles in follow-up (reporting).

The hospital has a policy guiding associates on identifying and reporting suspected abuse and neglect. Reference the Abuse: Identification of Victims and Reporting Requirements policy ADM-RI-601 for more in depth information.

Reporting Abuse, Neglect & Exploitation

Mandated reporters are people who have regular contact with vulnerable people and who are legally required to report suspicions directly to the appropriate agency.

• Many hospital associates, such as physicians, nurses and social workers, are mandated reporters.

• For those of you who are not mandated reporters:

o Report any suspicion to your direct supervisor.

o That supervisor will follow the chain of command for reporting purposes.


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