Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Up Sooner, Safer Kern Medical’s Up Sooner, Safer program is made possible by a $578,000 grant from Kaiser Permanente Southern California Region’s Community Benefit Department. The grant provides new mechanical lifting devices, ensuring patients are lifted, transferred or repositioned safely and with dignity. Research has shown that patients who get out of bed and begin moving sooner, experience better health outcomes, may be discharged more quickly, and suffer fewer hospital acquired conditions such as falls, pressure ulcers and pneumonia. Of course, safe patient movement is extremely important in reducing caregiver injuries as well.

Recognizing that early patient mobility and safe handling requires changes in practice, Kern Medical is also partnering with Kaiser Permanente to provide staff education on the lift equipment and evidence-based mobility protocols.

Up Sooner, Safer Program Benefits

• Increase mobility while reducing hospital stays

• Bring dignity back to the patient mobilization experience

• Reduce pressure ulcers and improve functional outcomes

• A safe and secure patient mobility platform

• Safer working conditions for caregivers

• Enhance cardiovascular function

• Improve respirator function

• Improve patient wellbeing

• Increase patient’s rate of recovery


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