Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide 2023

Tuberculosis (TB) Testing

TB testing is a condition of employment for all new employees.


There are two exceptions:

• You have a previous positive TB test AND provide documentation.

o You will have a chest x-ray at the time of hire and be required to complete a TB questionnaire – no further skin testing will be required.

• You supply negative results of a TB blood test.


Once hired, all employees are required to take TB skin tests annually or complete a TB questionnaire annually if there has been a previous positive test. • Employees will be notified when their TB requirement is due by a message on the time clock or by a letter.

• Monthly lists are sent to supervisors.


In order to be compliant, tests must be placed and read or TB questionnaire submitted by the given due date.

• It is your responsibility to be compliant with your requirements.

• Noncompliance will result in the deactivation of your time clock and disciplinary action.


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