Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide 2023

Environment and Equipment Cleaning

Keeping the environment and equipment clean is crucial to preventing the spread of infection.


• Use disposable equipment or single-patient use equipment when available.

o Should be labeled with the patients’ information and sent with them when they are being transferred.

o Do not reuse single-patient use equipment.

• If equipment is not disposable or single-patient use, the user MUST clean it after each use.

o Contact time for disinfectants must be maintained.

o You may need to use more than one disinfectant wipe to maintain the contact time.


Follow contact or kill time for all disinfectants and cleaning products. The contact or kill time is the amount of time the surface of the equipment being cleaned must remain visibly moist to kill all the organisms on the surface.

Sani Cloth – 2 minutes

• Sani Cloth Bleach Wipes – 4 minutes

• If you do not know, look on the side of the container.

• Circle the expiration date upon first opening and review the date before each use. Dispose of the disinfectant if it is expired.


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