Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide 2023

Hand Protection


Use gloves for all potential or actual contact with blood or body fluids, infectious materials and contaminated surfaces.

• Gloves are single use items.

o Do not use the same pair of gloves to see multiple patients.

Do not alter gloves.


o Use once, then dispose in a proper trash container.

o Do not use hand sanitizer or soap and water for re-use.

• If worn with a gown, the gloves must cover the cuff of the gown.

• Hand hygiene must be performed before donning and after removing gloves.


Use a gown when body fluid splashes onto skin or clothing are likely to occur. Gowns are also used when patients are in different types of isolation precautions.

1. Gather all supplies needed before donning a gown.

2. Put gown on before entering the room and secure.

3. If gloves are worn with the gown, they must cover the cuff of the gown.

4. Remove at the doorway when exiting – do not wear the gown outside of the room.

5. Place in trash, assuring that the gown fits properly inside the trash in the room.

6. Perform hand hygiene after removing the gown.


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