Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide 2023

Transmission Based Precautions

Transmission based precautions – also known as “isolation precautions” – are determined by the known or suspected organism a patient is infected with and the manner in which it is spread. Some organisms require more than 1 type of isolation precaution.

Transmission Modes

Contact Spread by contact.

Droplet Spread through saliva droplets when someone coughs, sneezes or talks. Airborne Spread through the air in a fine mist that may linger when someone coughs, sneezes or talks. Maximum Used when a patient has multiple infectious organisms that are spread in different ways.


• All isolation precautions are used in addition to standard precautions.

• Patients placed on any isolation precautions will have a sign placed on their door, indicating the type of isolation required.

• Do not enter the room of a patient without first looking on the door for an isolation sign.

• For patients on contact, droplet, airborne or maximum precautions, direct all visitors to report to the nurses station before they enter the patient’s room.


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