Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Workplace Violence

As a Kern Medical employee, you have the right to work in a safe, clean, harassment & discrimination free workplace.

Three (3) Levels of Violence

Level One

Verbal abuse

• Failure to cooperate with supervisor/co-workers

• Negative attitude toward policy/procedures, etc.

Level Two

• Expressing desire/intent to harm others

• Vandalizing/stealing property for revenge

• Sending sexual/violent notes to others

Level Three

• Physical assaults: spitting, hitting, murder, rape, etc.

• Major destruction of property: arson, explosives, etc.

Precursors to Major Incidents

• People that go to a jobsite and harm others have risk factors:

o Unusual fascination with guns or other weapons.

o Evidence of possible drug use or alcohol abuse.

o Previous threats/threatening actions.

• Most incidents involve visitors, not co-workers.

o E.g. Mom & estranged Dad arguing over care/paperwork for child, etc.


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