Kern Medical New Hire Guide 2024

Contact Precautions: Patient Transportation • When transporting a patient who is on contact precautions, limit transports as much as possible – only do so when necessary. • Disinfect any touch surfaces on transportation devices, such as gurneys and wheelchairs,

and then place a clean sheet over the patient. o Touch surfaces include handles, rails, levers, etc.

o Use a hospital approved disinfectant and adhere to the correct contact time. • Patient should be in a clean gown and open wounds should have a clean dressing. • Receiving unit needs to be notified of proper PPE to accept the patient, and must be in appropriate PPE when patient arrives. • Transporter does not wear PPE when transporting a patient. o Eliminates risk of cross-contamination to surfaces throughout the hospital. o Only exception to wearing PPE is if a patient is unstable and requires life-saving measures during transport. If this occurs, only the transporter who is performing those life-saving measures will wear PPE. That transporter will not touch anything other than the patient during transport.


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