Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Life Safety Code Red

Remember R.A.C.E. Remain calm, do not panic, but act quickly.

• Rescue staff, patients, or visitors from the immediate area.

• Alarm activate the ne arest fire alarm and dial “5#”; give the exact location, nature and extent of the fire.

• Confine the fire by closing doors.

• Extinguish the fire using the proper extinguisher. Evacuate everyone to a safe area.

You can reference the Fire Safety Management Plan Policy EOC-IM-105 for more in depth information.

How do you use a Fire Extinguisher?

Remember P.A.S.S. Kern Medical has ABC fire extinguishers that can be used on all classes of fires.

• Pull the pin from the extinguisher handle

• Aim the extinguisher at the base of the fire

• Squeeze the handle

• Sweep the extinguisher foam along the base of the fire


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