making the rounds
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hospital , ambulatory cl inics, and its teaching mission. The academic center receives additional funding through state grants, including the Song-Brown Program, the Psychiatric Education Capacity Expansion (PECE) award and the CalMedForce Initiative funded through Proposition 56. The funds al located through these programs go directly into our medical education activities. This past year, for instance, the funds were used to support the increase in complements in our Psychiatry Residency Program and Chi ld and Adolescent Psychiatry Fel lowship Program. In years past, the funds were used for simi lar purposes, al lowing for expansion in our Internal Medicine and Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Programs. Educating the next generation of physicians requires a tremendous amount of work and dedication from multiple stakeholders. Over the last few years, Kern Medical has col laborated with multiple entities to ensure the highest standards of medical education for our trainees.
by Amir Berjis, MD, MACM, FACS, FCCP Director of Medical Education
Since 1867, Kern Medical has served as the primary source of healthcare for countless residents in Bakersfield and Kern County. Today, we are the premiere academic teaching center, educating more than 200 medical students, residents, and fel lows annual ly. Our graduates have remained in the region, providing essential primary care and pivotal subspecialty services to a vulnerable and underserved patient population. Yet, as a publ ic safety net hospital , we struggle each year to identify the appropriate funding and resources to achieve our goals.
Kern Medical rel ies on federal and state supplemental indigent funding to support the
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No single person understood the value of our mission more than Ms. Erica Easton, the President of the Kern Medical Foundation, who tragical ly passed away this year. Her fortitude, perseverance, and resolve are engrained into our teaching programs. Her enthusiasm, support, and love for Kern Medical was on display every time you were in her presence. She championed for the growth and expansion of our residency and fel lowship programs. She identified, appl ied for, and received multiple grants to help support our teaching and scholarship mission, including funding for the Val ley Fever Institute and the subsequent Infectious Disease Fel lowship that fol lowed.
We have strengthened and further broadened our affi l iation with the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. We have entered into a partnership with Western University of Health Sciences that in turn led to the creation of new l inkage agreements between the medical school and Cal ifornia State University, Bakersfield and Bakersfield Col lege. These l inkage agreements are designed to create pathways for students in Bakersfield and Kern County to seek future careers in medicine. Final ly, our col laboration with Adventist Health has been designed to identify and recruit more special ists into the region with the hope of establ ishing new residency and fel lowship programs in the future. Such col laboration is magnified even further as we embark on applying for accreditation of a new General Surgery Residency Program later this year. Nearly 10 different participating sites and programs have been identified to help us matriculate the next generation of surgeons in Kern County. These efforts reinforce the mission of Kern Medical to del iver safe, compassionate, and high-qual ity care to our patients whi le providing a cl inical learning environment conducive to graduate medical education.
Erica worked di l igently to create pathways for young students to learn about the benefits of entering into the medical profession. Her dream of creating a “pipel ine” that would al low us to recruit and retain current students into the field of medicine is slowly becoming real ity with the aforementioned l inkage agreements. Her outstanding work in raising funds through the Foundation led to our new Pediatric Wing and expansion of our Labor and Del ivery services at Kern Medical .
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Our Simulation and Ultrasound programs are flourishing due to her unwavering support. Though Erica may no longer be with us in person, her kindness, compassion, and support for our patients, trainees, and faculty wi l l be remembered for years to come. Indeed, Erica would be proud of our accompl ishments this past year. Kern Medical again welcomed its largest class of first-year residents and fel lows into our sponsored programs in July of last year. At least a quarter of these residents were our former medical students, with several originating from the Central Val ley. Throughout the academic year, we continued to recruit new physicians into our programs, serving as teaching faculty and providing subspecial ized care and treatments previously not avai lable in our community. As the pandemic evolved into its eventual endemic state, Kern Medical witnessed the emergence of patients with higher acuity and complexity, requiring more time, expertise, and resources to provide the essential care they needed. Such a chal lenge put a significant strain on our entire hospital workforce and tested our resolve as cl inicians and educators.
Community outreach remains a strong component of our mission, emphasized by Erica’s efforts in the past. Kern Medical participated in the MESA-STEM and Pre Health Conference at Bakersfield Col lege this Apri l . The conference is designed to introduce disadvantaged students to the benefits of future careers in math and science, with an emphasis on healthcare. Several hundred local high school and col lege students participated in various speaker panels and engaged with our faculty and nursing staff in several simulation modules. We look forward to further col laborating with this and simi lar programs in the future. We continue to use the benefits of telemedicine for patient care and the hybrid approach to medical education. Our Simulation Center remains a key component of our pedological efforts, providing high-fidel ity simulation and education for our trainees. Our faculty provide direct supervision when needed and support the physical and mental wel l-being of al l learners. As we put the pandemic behind us, Kern Medical is poised to meet and surpass future chal lenges ahead of us.
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Scholarly activity has also prol iferated over the last year. Our research continues to bring distinction not only to our hospital , but to our community. In May, we hosted our 4th Annual Southern San Joaquin Val ley Research Forum, showcasing 139 digital abstracts and presentations, the largest ever in our 25 years of hosting a local and now regional research forum. Faculty, residents, nurses, and students provided presentations on qual ity projects, case studies, and randomized trials, al l benefiting current and future patient care at our institution.
Final ly, in June we wi l l graduate our 66th class of residents and fel lows, some of which wi l l stay in our community and provide care to our patients. Among our graduates wi l l be our first Infectious Disease Fel low, Dr. Carlos D’Assumpcao, who wi l l be joining us as faculty. The future remains bright for Kern Medical , the patients we serve and the medical students, residents and fel lows we educate. Erica was a beacon of hope and support for our institution. Please join me in remembering her contributions by supporting our Alumni Society. For information on how to join, visit
Grand Opening
Services Offered:
CT Scan Mammography Ultrasound
X Ray Bone Density And More
Tinh Duong
Carlos D'Assumpcao, MD
Violet Yeager, DO
Nijjar Gurkaron, MD
Rama Yasaei, MD
Moujidin Adebayo, MD
Nishan Mangat, MD
Ahmad Ghanizadeh, MD
Hadi Ali, MD
Vishal Narang, MD
Benjamin Boodaie, MD
Goli Shenasan, MD
Khalid Ramahi, MD
Chien-Wai Chiu, MD
Brett Cowan, MD
Samantha Ratnayake, MD
Nazila Shoar, MD
Ryan Roleson, MD
Harleen Sandhu, MD
Itwinder Sivia, MD
Ratha Kulasingam, MD
Matthew Cupp, MD
Ty Tran, MD
Hobart Lai, DO
Marah Sukkar, MD
Tyler Wheeler, MD
Abdelhamid Dalia, MD
Taide Chavez Sturman, MD
Jennifer Franks, MD
Katie Van Cleave, DO
Angelina Prat, DO
Zershana Khan, MD Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Academic Chief
Michael Ntim, MD Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Fellowship Clinical Chief
Bianca Arechiga, DO Emergency Medicine Chief
Valerie Espinoza, MD Internal Medicine Chief
Ngon Trang, MD Internal Medicine Chief
Emma Motl, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Chief
Haidar Hajeh, MD Internal Medicine Chief
Maggie Jiang, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology Chief
Samantha Tran, DO Obstetrics & Gynecology Chief
Parisa Hashemi, DO Psychiatry Administrative Chief
Anthony Poles, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Chief
Shadee Giurgius, MD Psychiatry Academic Chief
Amardeep Chetha, MD Rio Bravo Family Medicine Administrative Chief
Funmilayo Idemudia, MD Rio Bravo Family Medicine Schedule Chief
Nicholas Kotsyubko, MD Psychiatry Research/QI Chief
Su Hlaing, MD Rio Bravo Family Medicine Didactics Chief
Arsen Mkrtchyan, MD
Jasmin Custodio, MD
Aishwarya Saripalli, MD
Amrit Dhillon, MD
Hridya Harimohan, MD
Jose Garcia Corella, MD
John Gooch, MD
London Knight, DO
Amritpal Dhillon, MD
Arin Orogian, DO
Kevin Dao, MD
Matthew Palmbach, DO
Munyal Zira, MD
Seung Joon Hwang, DO
Chandpreet Singh, MD
Harmanjeet Dhillon, MD
Mia Yasonova, MD Tanya Eftekhari, MD
Thinh Tran, MD
Trina Mariel Among, MD
Courtney Cirks, MD
Karina Grinberg, MD
Megan Haughland, MD
Calynn Dioses
Kiranpreet Singh
Winny Guan
Elcin Halloran, MD
Loren Wines, DO
Natasha Anand, MD
Parveen Dhillon, MD
Sanha Lee, DO
Spencer Hart, MD
Stephanie Zapata, MD
Brian Lu, MD
Nazila Shoar, MD
Leah Dlugolecki, DO
Niloufar Farid, MD
Shikha Mishra, MD
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Dr. Manish Amin, Program Director
As we near the end of another transformative year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our col lective accompl ishments and growth. This year has been fi l led with incredible chal lenges, but also extraordinary resi l ience and dedication from each member of our team. We have faced unprecedented patient volumes, handled complex cases, and provided exceptional care to those in need. Our commitment to evidence-based medicine and continuous learning has been unwavering, resulting in improved patient outcomes and strengthened cl inical ski l ls. effective communication, we have fostered a supportive and inclusive learning environment. Our commitment to mentorship and professional development has empowered our residents to excel and become leaders in emergency medicine. We have embraced innovation and adapted to new technologies, streaml ining processes and enhancing patient care. Our interdiscipl inary teamwork and strong relationships with other departments have al lowed for efficient and effective patient management. Through col laboration and
This year has also provided us with valuable opportunities for personal growth and self reflection. We have recognized the importance of self-care and mental wel l-being, supporting one another during chal lenging times and promoting a healthy work-l ife balance. As we move forward, let us carry the lessons learned from this year and continue to bui ld upon our achievements. Together, we can overcome any obstacle and provide exceptional emergency care to our community. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment. I am incredibly proud to be part of this exceptional team, and I look forward to the exciting advancements and mi lestones that l ie ahead.
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WORKFORCE Employees, Contrators, Academics, & Volunteers
P e d i a t r i c s U n i t G R A N D O P E N I N G Kern Medical unveiled its brand-new pediatrics unit this Spring. The unit offers comprehensive medical care and support for children of Kern County and beyond. The fourth-floor Inpatient Pediatrics Unit remodel was among the projects funded by California Health Facilities Financing Authority $9.2 million award to Kern Medical. The funding also supported other pediatric projects such as the renovation of Kern Medical’s Pediatric Outpatient Clinic and the construction of a new Pediatric Emergency Unit.
Valley Fever Walk 2023 The Valley Fever Institute and Kern Medical Foundation hosted the annual Valley Fever walk on March 18th in Bakersfield. The Valley Fever Walk brings together patients, caregivers, community members, healthcare providers and researchers with a common goal to educate our communities about Valley Fever. The event raised approximately $55,000 to further the mission of the Valley Fever Institute. As we brace for an expected rise in Valley Fever cases in California, we eagerly look forward to enhancing awareness about this condition and intensifying our efforts in professional education initiatives.
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Kern Medical and the Valley Fever Institute continue to remain focused on efforts to improve Valley Fever outcomes for patients. In November 2022, Erica Easton, former President of the Kern Medical Foundation and Rob Purdie, Patient & Program Development Coordinator of the Valley Fever Institute, traveled to Washington DC to meet with California legislators and other members of Congress to discuss the increasing impact of Valley Fever in California and the rest of the United States. They met with Representatives McCarthy, Valadao (pictured right), Costa and Levin (pictured left) from California to discuss the need for new drugs to treat Valley Fever. Additional meetings were held with staff from the offices of many members of the California Congressional Delegation, including the offices of Speaker Pelosi (CA), Senate Leader Schumer (NY), Representatives Schweikert (AZ), Pallone (NJ) Burgess (TX) and Senator Kelly (AZ). The discussions were led with one objective - to address the need for better diagnostics and therapeutics for Valley Fever. Kern Medical and the Valley Fever Institute's goal is to continue to work with key stakeholders, gain legislative support, and encourage investment in critical research and other federal regulatory improvements to develop new drugs to treat various fungal infections, such as Valley Fever.
The Valley Fever Institute team is experiencing further expansion as it welcomes its newest Faculty member, Dr. Carlos D'Assumpcao, MD, an Infectious Disease Specialist. Dr. D'Assumpcao is set to join the team in July, following the successful completion of his fellowship. Notably, he will become the inaugural graduate of Kern Medical Infectious Disease Fellowship Program.
Carlos D'Assumpcao, MD
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Over the past year, our center has made significant strides in its development and growth, as we continue to expand our role as a local and national leader in simulation training and education. In particular, our research on intraosseous l ine training and professional identity formation has received national recognition. Our team wi l l be presenting at the local San Joaquin research forum and we hope to publ ish our findings in simulation and/or medical journals. We are proud of the progress we have made in this area, and we wi l l continue to explore new avenues for research and innovation. We have also made significant progress in training on the use of simulated laparoscopic cameras, providing students and Simulation Training & Education
Dr. Sage Wexner, Director of Medical Simulation
residents with hands-on experience that enhances their cl inical ski l ls. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and immersive training experience for al l our students so that they are wel l-equipped to handle any chal lenge that comes their way. In addition to these achievements, we have successful ly introduced simulations in al l core medical student rotations, including pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and emergency medicine. We have also created additional opportunities for emergency medicine medical students to gain experience in high-fidel ity simulations, providing them with a sol id foundation for their future practice.
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Final ly, we are proud of our increased local community footprint through Kern Medical 's Homegrown Health program. Our outreach efforts have targeted local middle, junior, and high school chi ldren, as wel l as col lege students. Our goal is to form a sustainable pipel ine for future doctors and nurses, ensuring that our community has access to high-qual ity healthcare professionals for years to come. In conclusion, we are thri l led with the progress that the Kern Medical Simulation Center has made over the past year. We are committed to continued growth and success, and we look forward to exploring new opportunities for innovation and col laboration in the years to come.
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