making the rounds
SPR I NG 202 3
Over the past year, our center has made significant strides in its development and growth, as we continue to expand our role as a local and national leader in simulation training and education. In particular, our research on intraosseous l ine training and professional identity formation has received national recognition. Our team wi l l be presenting at the local San Joaquin research forum and we hope to publ ish our findings in simulation and/or medical journals. We are proud of the progress we have made in this area, and we wi l l continue to explore new avenues for research and innovation. We have also made significant progress in training on the use of simulated laparoscopic cameras, providing students and Simulation Training & Education
Dr. Sage Wexner, Director of Medical Simulation
residents with hands-on experience that enhances their cl inical ski l ls. Our aim is to provide a comprehensive and immersive training experience for al l our students so that they are wel l-equipped to handle any chal lenge that comes their way. In addition to these achievements, we have successful ly introduced simulations in al l core medical student rotations, including pediatrics, internal medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and emergency medicine. We have also created additional opportunities for emergency medicine medical students to gain experience in high-fidel ity simulations, providing them with a sol id foundation for their future practice.
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