Benefits Summary

Kern Legacy Select (High Deductible EPO)

Kern Legacy Network Plus (EPO + PPO)

Kern Legacy Select Network includes coverage at Kern Medical and other local community providers. Kern Legacy Select has no biweekly employee contribution for employee only coverage anda lowcost for additional dependents. The plan features a deductible of $2000 per individual and $4000 per family. Once the deductible is met, Primary Care Physician visits are a flat $10 copay. The annual deductible is waived for preventive care. If you’re healthy and only using preventive care, you could essentially have coverage with no out- of-pocket expenses throughout the year. This plancanbeused inconjunctionwitha tax advantaged Heakth Savings Account (HSA). This personal savings account allows you to save and pay health care expenses with tax-free dollars.

Kern Legacy Network Plus is an exclusive network health plan with two benefit tiers giving members choices when accessing health care services. The Preferred Tier includes coverage at Kern Medical and other local providers. Kern Legacy Network is the 2nd lowest biweekly employee contribution. The Preferred Tier has no annual deductible & $10 copays for Primary Care Physician visits. When you want more choices, the Plus Network offers another expansive list of participating providers to choose from. This tier features a deductible of $250 per individual and $500 per family. Most services on this tier are paid at 20% of coinsurance.


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