Benefits Summary

Kern Legacy Classic Choice (POS) Kern Legacy Classic Choice, is an Anthem Network health plan. The plan is the only to offer both in-network and out-of-network coverage. Kern Legacy Classic Choice has the highest biweekly employee contributions. In- network has no annual deductible and physician visits are a flat $15 copay. Out-of-network features a deductible of $200 per individual and $400 per family. Once the deductible is met, most services are covered at 70%. Kaiser Permanente (HMO) Under Kaiser Permanente, you select a Primary Care Physician to coordinate all of your care. Covered medical services typically must be received through Kaiser’s network of physicians, hospitals, and other medical providers including Adventist Health & Bakersfield Medical Center. Kaiser Permanente has the 3rd highest biweekly employee contribution. This plan has no annual deductible. You will pay a $10 copay for each Primary Care Physician visit and many other medical services.

Kern Legacy Max Choice (EPO) Kern Legacy Max Choice is an Anthem Network health plan. Anthem Network is one of the largest health plan networks with coverage available nationwide, which means any Anthem Network Hospital or Anthem Network Doctor anywhere in the United States. Max Choice has the 2nd highest biweekly employee contribution. This plan features a deductible of $250 per individual and $500 per family. Once the deductible is met, PrimaryCarePhysicianvisits areaflat $10 copay and most other services are paid at a 20% coinsurance. The annual deductible is waived for preventive care. Copays are also reduced for services received at Kern Medical.


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