Emergency Preparedness

Appendix H.3 – CHEMICAL

Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness

personnel wearing KERN MEDICAL identification cards or emergency response personnel from other agencies, specifically, fire department, law enforcement, and ambulance personnel will be admitted to the hospital during a disaster. Prepared traffic control signs to show external and internal routing of casualties and other traffic

 In a chemical disaster mass casualty incident, the Emergency Department (ED) will establish a Triage area in the parking lot north of the ambulance entrance to EDD. Refer to Security Annex A for instruction regarding establishing security for the area  As soon as practical, and after receiving authorization from the Incident Commander, Security personnel will clear the hospital of visitors and deny entry to those waiting to visit. The only exception shall be the parents or guardians of patients under the age of eighteen. All other visitors will be directed to designated waiting areas to contact the Public Information Officer for additional information. Exceptions may be made if permission is received from the affected nursing unit/department through the Incident Commander.  As soon as triage/treatment areas are established, Security personnel will be assigned as necessary to maintain order and assist medical personnel. Kern Medical has limited number of isolation rooms and is not equipped to deal with mass isolation, which may be required under emergency conditions. Once it is determined that isolation of an area is required, security personnel will be posted at all point of entry and exits from the area to ensure that the area remains confined as directed by the incident commander.  Code Orange to allow for cleanup and breakdown of area, and decontamination.  Security Officers assigned in any capacity shall maintain contact with the Communication Center and assure that any security requirements are directed to the Incident Commander.

• PBX Procedure:

 Code Orange  Activated by call into emergency phone (5#)  Announce overhead three times: “Your attention please, Code Orange, location”

 Hazmat Spill team is notified to access the spill.  Instruction to follow from Hazmat Team Leader.  Document Call in Emergency Log / Code Call Binder  After Action Report Created

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