Emergency Preparedness

Appendix H.12 – USRP

Kern Medical Emergency Preparedness

o Unit leaders access the CODE TRIAGE job action sheet located in the emergency binder (USPR job action sheet for CODE Triage is on Orange Paper) o Assess the departments proximity to the incident and department functionality o Account for all associates, patients, and visitors in the department o Complete disaster information sheet o Communicate with ICC (Incident Command Center) via HEIC (Emergency Incident Command System)  ICC will coordinate all activities of command, operations, medical, logistics, and planning  HEIC will coordinate the efforts of responding departments to maximize effectiveness. Also maintain communication between all response and treatment locations


 ICC Commander (IC) (CEO)  Operations Officer  Medical Director  Safety Officer  Security Officers  Public Relations Officer MEDICAL RESPONSE ESPONSIBILITIES  Medical Director: Conduct overall coordination

 Chairman of Department of Emergency Medicine: Oversee triage phase  Chairman of Department of Surgery: Coordinate patient treatment after triage ACTIVATION  In the event of a disaster, Kern Medical will be notified through the EMS (Emergency Management System) which is the county emergency alert system COMMUNICATION  KMH has an EMS radio in the ECC  EMS notifies the ECC of a disaster, the ECC will contact the switchboard  Switchboard will contact the administrator on duty

 Administrator on duty will determine the level of response  Communication will be handled through the following methods: o Telephone o Fax

o Pager o Radio o Television o Person to Person

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