Kern Medical New Associate Orientation Guide

Whistleblower Rights & Protections

What is a Whistleblower?

A person who discloses information, when he/she reasonably believes, evidences of:

• A violation of law, rule, or regulation

• Gross mismanagement

• Gross waste of funds

• Abuse of authority

• A substantial and specific danger to public health or safety


Recognizing that whistleblowers root out waste, fraud, and abuse, and protect public health and safety, Federal laws strongly encourage employees to disclose wrongdoing. Federal laws also protect whistleblowers from retaliation. Kern Medical policy strongly encourages all employees to report any wrongdoing and strictly forbids retaliation (adverse action, non-promotion, or other discrimination) against them for doing so.


Remember … If you witness or have ANY concerns about Patient Privacy, Compliance, Code of Conduct, wrongdoing, or wrong use of PHI, report it!

• Notify your Direct Supervisor.

• Notify the Compliance Officer at 661-326-2187.

• Call the Compliance Hotline at 661-326-COML (661-326-2665) – It’s anonymous, secure & confidential.

Compliance … It’ s about doing the right thing!


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