Kern Medical New Hire Guide 2024
All employees who have patient contact will have antibody titers drawn during their pre- employment physicals. If you are non-immune, you will be offered the vaccination. Vaccinations are highly encouraged but they are not mandated. You must decline in writing.
Vaccination Services Employee Health offers the following vaccinations: Hepatitis B
Completion of the vaccination will protect you from developing Hepatitis B if you have an accidental exposure to blood or body fluids from a person that has tested positive for Hepatitis B. The series consists of 3 vaccines over 6 months. Varicella (Chicken Pox) The series consists of 2 vaccines, 28 days apart and must be scheduled ahead of time with Employee Health, because the vaccine has special handling requirements. Influenza The flu vaccine (single dose) is offered during flu season (October-April). Proof is required if you receive it elsewhere. Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMRs) This combination vaccine is given in 2 doses, 28 days apart. COVID-19 Vaccination This is not currently offered in Employee Health, but is available through the hospital. Please contact if you would like to receive this vaccine.
All vaccines are free of charge.
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