Kern Medical New Hire Guide 2024

BLAAST on the Phone Be Committed • Answer inbound calls as quickly possible (by the third ring). • Greet callers in a friendly, professional manner.

• Smile during the call. Smiling naturally improves the voice making it more energetic and friendly. • State your name and location. Listen to Request • Ask the caller how you may be of assistance. • Speak in a low tone, at moderate volume and speed. “Good morning, this is Kern Medical Department…, my name is…. How may I help you?” Acknowledge & Clarify, Take Action • Ask questions to clarify anything not understood. • If it is necessary to place a caller on hold, ask permission and wait for an answer. • Estimate the timeframe. “Mrs./Mr. …, I will need to look up that information for you. May I place you on hold for about 2-3 minutes? (WAIT FOR ANSWER) Thank you, pleasehold.” • Listen attentively and make sure you understand what is being asked. • Repeat key points to clarify the callers’ needs or requests. If necessary, take notes. “Mrs./Mr. …, I understand that you are calling to check on the date and time of your next appointment. Is that correct?” Satisfaction Confirmed • Close the call in a friendly, professional manner. “Thank you Mrs./Mr. …. Is there anything else that I can help you with?” (WAIT FOR ANSWER). Thank you • “Thank you for calling and have a nice day.”


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