Nurse Recruitment Book Spring 2021
Defining Statement, Mission, Vision & Values Who We Are Kern Medical is proud to be a Tertiary Referral Center, Academic Teaching Institution, and Safety Net Hospital. Mission Guided by the needs of our patients and their families, Kern Medical will deliver safe, compassionate, high quality care, and improve the health and well-being of our community. Vision Kern Medical will: • Advance healthcare delivery through a fully integrated system across the spectrum of care • Realize the triple aim of providing the best patient experience, highest quality of care, and most appropriate use of healthcare resources • Hire and develop the best team that is both inspired and committed to healing • Committed to financial stability through efficient management of resources Values Kern Medical is guided by the principles of: • Compassionate Healing: We ensure a culture of caring that nurtures the well-being of the whole person • Respect: Be kind. Listen to understand. Embrace the skills and knowledge of others • Integrity: We earn your trust by delivering the best in healthcare • Innovation: We are committed to new ideas, creativity, and academic achievements • Collaboration: We value our partnerships to advance the health of our community • Fiscal responsibility: We are committed to effectively utilizing and maximizing our resources KERN MEDICAL BY THE NUMBERS ANNUAL STATS FY 2018 FINANCIAL REPORT • Place the patient at the center of the healthcare experience • Lead academic and professional excellence in the community
1,700+ Employees
200+ Residents, Fellows, & Medical Students
5,741 Surgeries
9,735 Admissions
144,006 Physician Office Visits
44,399 Emergency Department Visits
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