Solving the Behavioral Health Crisis in Kern County
Project Manager Job Description
GOAL Unite community stakeholders to discuss and align efforts TACTICS • Actively participate in Opioid Task Force • Lead efforts to link community stakeholders to reduce silos and duplication of services • Identify gaps in services and number of providers
GOAL Increasing awareness, providing education and ensuring access for the community TACTICS • Increasing awareness about the dangers of opioids • Reducing the stigma of Behavioral Health • Create easy to understand marketing materials • Consistently provide information about all Behavioral Health issues including opioids
GOAL Establish and maintain an implementation timeline and budget TACTICS • Maintain consistent contact with Cynthia Lake on progress • Identify potential funding sources and strategies • Identify potential grant
GOAL Provide a detailed analysis and scope of the Behavioral Health needs in Kern County TACTICS • Research existing services available compared to the needs of the community • Research best practices for developing a comprehensive Behavioral Health Program • Identify all community stakeholders and their role in Behavioral Health
opportunities and work with Executive Director and Grant Writer on all submissions
• Ability to work effectively with people of diverse backgrounds and promote a positive working environment, spirit of cooperation and positive reactions to change and conflict resolution • Ability to communicate effectively and relate well to others while maintaining appropriate confidentiality.
• Bachelor’s degree with 2-4 years of experience in Healthcare • Knowledge of Behavioral Health services and needs • Excellent organization skills with an ability to prioritize and manage multiple tasks and a variety of demands
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